Transform Your Manufacturing Company’s Productivity with 4IR Technologies.


The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is transforming the manufacturing industry, with technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) which provides manufacturers with the ability to increase productivity and efficiency while reducing costs.

One of the most significant benefits of 4IR is the use of ML for supply chain and inventory management. By utilising algorithms that optimise resources, manufacturers can automate mundane tasks and proactively replenish supplies before they run out, resulting in significant time and cost savings for manufacturers in the long run.

IoT is another critical technology for manufacturers looking to stay competitive in the industry. With smart factory initiatives, manufacturers can use IoT to monitor production in real-time, making decisions based on identified trends and areas of improvement. This technology allows manufacturers to remotely monitor and control the entire manufacturing process wirelessly, improving productivity so your organisation can take on more work. AI is also playing a crucial role in the manufacturing industry, with predictive capabilities that can monitor equipment condition and forecast when a specific asset might fail. This technology allows manufacturers to plan and schedule maintenance in advance, eliminating reactive maintenance that can lead to downtime or equipment failures, compromising efficiency in the supply chain.

By embracing 4IR technologies, manufacturers can differentiate themselves from competitors and achieve business continuity. Tarsus on Demand, in collaboration with Microsoft, offers a suite of supply chain and inventory management solutions that utilise these 4IR technologies. With real-time visibility of all your operations, agile planning, and workforce collaboration. Your company can improve product development and workforce productivity while anticipating challenges that might compromise your company’s efficiency.

4IR is changing the manufacturing industry, and businesses must embrace these technologies to remain competitive. By leveraging the power of ML, IoT, and AI, manufacturers can increase productivity, minimise operational expenses, and maximise revenue growth. With Tarsus on Demand, manufacturers can take their business to new heights of success.

4IR is changing the manufacturing industry, and businesses must embrace these technologies to remain competitive. By leveraging the power of ML, IoT, and AI, manufacturers can increase productivity, minimise operational expenses, and maximise revenue growth. With Tarsus on Demand, manufacturers can take their business to new heights of success. Maximise on operational efficiency with Tarsus on Demand.