JC Auditors is gearing up to host the monthly Transport Forum on 4 May 2023, focusing on the crucial elements needed for safe, efficient, and sustainable road transport businesses.
The virtual event will feature a range of expert speakers who will share their insights and experiences on the topic. The programme includes:
- The success of the Road Transport Management System (RTMS) in South Africa by Dr Paul Nordengen – Director: Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology Africa
- The key role of systems in creating the culture for service delivery, safety and sustainability by Mary Mashiane – National SHEQ Manager: Crossroads
- The journey to becoming a serious player in the transportation of bulk mining products by Annah Ngxeketo – Founder and CEO: Mamoja Trading & Projects
- The essential need to motivate and empower drivers through recognition and reward by Elka du Piesanie – Campaign Manager: Hollard Highway Heroes, Hollard Trucking
- SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment for Sustainability) Africa certification: Latest developments and new directives by Deidre Penfold – Executive Director: Chemical and Allied Industries Association (CAIA)
- The Reality on our Roads – Key learnings from an accident investigation expert by Shaun McGuone – Director: Investipol
- The role of telematics in providing key diagnostics for a transport business by Christa Claassens – Key Account Manager: C-Track
- A summary of the systems and certifications achieved by South Africa’s leading corporate and private transport businesses by Oliver Naidoo – Managing Director: JC Auditors
South Africa has one of the highest rates of road incidents in the world, with a significant increase in crashes, injuries, and fatalities during holiday periods. This year the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) reported that 225 people were killed in road accidents over the Easter weekend, up from 161 last year. This poor road safety record is a cause for concern and requires urgent, concerted, and sustained action. It is crucial that all road users take responsibility for their actions and prioritise safety on the roads.
“All road stakeholders have a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting road safety among road users so that we can progressively change road user behavior and promote a culture of responsible driving and road use,” says Oliver Naidoo.
Participants at the event will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, gain new perspectives, and identify opportunities for growth and development in the transportation industry, as speakers showcase some of the positive developments in the country to deliver safe and efficient transport, including initiatives such as RTMS, SQAS, ISO certifications and Performance Based Standards (PBS). RTMS focuses on improving the safety, compliance and operational efficiency of commercial transport operations, while SQAS focuses specifically on petrochemicals transportation. ISO certifications are recognised worldwide as an indicator of a professional and sustainable business. There is an increasing demand from the logistics sector for these international standards, especially ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, as well as ISO 13485 for those in the medical devices value chain.
Under the innovative PBS approach, specific performance measures are used to achieve a number of benefits including improved vehicle safety and productivity, reduced road wear, reduced vehicle emissions, improved fuel efficiency and reduced traffic congestion.
“Discussions will focus on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the road transport industry,” explains Naidoo. “Our panel of experts will delve into the reality of what is happening on South Africa’s roads, as well as look at innovative developments to enhance transportation efficiency, reduce operational costs, and increase profitability – while promoting sustainability and safety.”
Naidoo emphasised the importance of collaborative efforts in promoting safe, efficient, and sustainable transportation in South Africa saying he hoped the event will inspire further positive developments in the industry.
For more information on attending the event, please visit https://www.transportsig.com/74-next-sig-meeting/1427-4-may-2023
Mary Mashiane – National SHEQ Manager: Crossroads
Oliver Naidoo – Managing Director: JC Auditors
Dr Paul Nordengen – Director: Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology Africa