DP World created more than 19,000 jobs and drove $13 billion of socio-economic impact across South Africa and Nigeria over 2022 and 2023, according to independent research by consulting firm, Accenture.

Since acquiring Johannesburg-based Imperial Logistics (Imperial) in March 2022, DP World has significantly expanded its presence and scale in both countries. DP World’s operations impact millions of lives across both countries.

To measure DP World’s total impact Accenture developed a customised framework looking at three value areas — value to industry; value to partners; and value to society. The framework integrates economic drivers and key performance indicators tailored to each area, to consistently measure impact across different geographies and over time.

This goes beyond just job creation. For example, improved access to affordable, safe medicines and primary healthcare facilities, meant an estimated $67.1 million was saved by Nigerian consumers, contributing to saving lives, the research found. 

According to the research, despite macroeconomic challenges, DP World continued to foster sustainable growth and development of US$6.74 billion in Nigeria and US$6.24 billion in South Africa.

Total GDP  DP World ContributionDP World %
Nigeria$432 bn$6.74 bn1.5%
South Africa$351 bn$6.24 bn1.8%

Mohammed Akoojee, CEO & MD for sub-Saharan Africa at DP World, said: “In these challenging times, our commitment to sustainable development and community well-being is more critical than ever. Our efforts in Nigeria and South Africa have not only supported direct and indirect jobs and improved healthcare access but have also strengthened supply chains and facilitated trade, laying the foundation for long-term economic stability and growth. We believe that our resilience and innovation are key to transforming the regions and communities in which we operate.”

“We are proud of the significant role that our businesses and our people at DP World play on the continent. Our vision for the future is one where economic progress, social development, and environmental sustainability go hand in hand. We are not just building a business; we are building stronger, healthier, and more resilient communities,” Akoojee added.


NigeriaImpact (2023)
Market PresenceDP World operates road freight, logistics warehousing, and Market Access Healthcare and Consumer businesses.   It manages over 17,000 sqm of healthcare warehousing, 28,000 healthcare outlets, and 240,000 stores.
Job CreationOver 6,800 jobs supported, impacting over 55,500 lives in Nigeria.
Supporting jobs through procurement  3,700 jobs — impacting 19,000 lives.    
Growth and InnovationDP World Innovation Venture Fund invested $6.4 million toward one logistics and two healthcare start-ups.
Healthcare AccessBy improving access to affordable, safe medicines and primary healthcare, saving patients an estimated $67.1 million through fair drug prices, contributing to saving lives.
South AfricaImpact
Market PresenceDP World provides freight forwarding, bulk transport, contract logistics, and 4PL services, with a fleet of 4,250 vehicles, 52 warehouses, and over 719,250 sqm of managed space.   The road-freight business made 1.7 million deliveries, while Contract Logistics reached over 36,000 delivery points.  
Job CreationOver 12,300 jobs supported, impacting c.46,500 lives in South Africa.
Supporting jobs through procurement  41,800 jobs — impacting 140,600 lives.  
CommunityTotal impact of $48 million.   Unjani Clinics (with c.200 nurse-led primary healthcare clinics that have served 5 million patients to date).   DP World & Motus Community Trust installed almost 90 school library resource centres, enabling over 85,000 learners with daily access to books, literacy programmes and educational games.   The Be Safe, Be Smart road safety awareness programme – reached 1.6 million learners at 1,965 schools.