PRP Solutions protects employee rights with labour compliance through its digital system


PRP Solutions (PRP) understands the importance to legally meet employee rights for their best interest. In turn, PRP has constructed a digital system that flags potential breaches, enabling preventative action for the compliance of the employee’s rights that protects their wellbeing.

This is especially vital for employees of a large geographical footprint or large workforce as non-compliance to labour laws could easily occur, resulting in an unfair working environment. PRP is capable of programming its system to ensure fair working environments for all employees and which is easily customisable to adhere to and adapt to employee-based contracts. PRP’s digital Honeycomb system eliminates the need for repetitive, manual, and time-consuming processes to ensure employee labour compliance through its cloud-based automated processes. This integrated solution reduces the risk of human error and costs that would have resulted in manual manpower to comply with the multi-layered requirements of South Africa’s labour laws.

“We strive to understand our customer’s existing HR policies that impact its employees, and through our expertise, align their policies in collaboration with its relevant threshold and sectoral laws according to the South African labour law for compliant employee workflows. This also accommodates laws and policies from international branches. Once a guideline has been determined, our digital system monitors and flags components before they become non-compliant, facilitating preventative action through suggested precalculated solutions to benefit the employee,” says Kriya Govender, CEO, PRP Solutions.

PRP helps ensure that employees’ labour is compliant with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (dependant on salary threshold), sectoral determinations, company policies and employment agreements. This includes minimum wage, overtime, leave, safety and health compliance, certificate, and contract renewals. The use of this offering ensures that employee workflows are compliant, preventing the need for strikes through trade unions, hefty fines or organisational licence withdrawal through the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) or Labour Court.

Flexibility is also a key feature to PRP’s automated digital system. It can adapt employee workflows to meet the requirements that have been stipulated on employee contracts – collectively or individually. This facilitates integration, reducing the need to create or redesign company policies or employment contracts. “Traditional and paper-based methods to ensure compliance across a multi layered apparatus are no longer effective or even possible. It is a tedious and expensive process and is susceptible to error. Digital transformation is necessary for easy compliance with accurate statistics for reports that can be generated and accessed by any employee through the PRP Buzz Portal at any time. This ensures that the correct information of any component is available to employers and employees in real-time,” comments Govender.

“Our integration and compliance with labour laws enables PRP to look after the employees of our customers. This aligns with our core value, your time is valuable, we won’t waste it – allowing employers to do what really matters rather than manually ensuring compliant employee workflows and environments,” explains Govender. PRP’s large customer base across numerous industries has enabled it to gain insight on pending or passed laws. Smaller PRP customers that don’t necessarily have their own legal department can therefore benefit in a cost-effective manner.

PRP’s labour law compliance services are included across all their solutions. Their customer solutions, that feature support, are available through various degrees of the PRP Honeycomb that consists of HR tasks and payroll services.

PRP easily protects employee rights through their digital system that aligns workflows with labour compliance

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